When you come to Redeemer, you will hear us speak of the Gospel often. The word Gospel can get tossed around, but what does it really mean?
The word "Gospel" literally means "Good News". So when we at Redeemer speak much of the Gospel, we really are talking about Good News- what is the news?
It Starts with Bad News...
God made the world and everything in it. He made things whole, perfect, and good. We however, in our foolishness decided to rebell against God our Creator. This act of rebellion, God calls Sin, and because of our sin, everything is broken. Everyone is infected by sin, and we willingly choose to rebell against God in our daily lives. Left in our sinful condition, we rightfully deserve God's judgement and condemnation.
But there is Good News
But God did not leave us there. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect, obedient life(the life we can't live oursevles), he died on the cross as our substitute(the death we deserve) to pay the penalty for our sin. He then rose from the grave, triumphant over sin and death, and now offers redemption through his finished work.
How do we get this redemption in Jesus Christ? Well, the Scriptures are clear- we cannot earn it. The Good News we proclaim, believe, and celebrate, is nothing about what we did, or can do, but rather, it's all about what Jesus has already done, and how it is now offered to all as a gift, to those who will receive it.
We can have this redemption, by God's grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. By believing in the name of Jesus, trusting and resting in His finished work on the cross, we can be saved from our sin, and given a new life which can only be found in Jesus' name. God's desire is that you today, would turn away from your sin, and towards his son Jesus, and find life in his name. Today, if you do not know Jesus personally, you can come into a personal relationship with God, and be saved.
This is Good News. We want to remind ourselves of it every day, and tell everyone we know about it.