Sunday Worship at 10:30am

Book Review: With A Mighty Triumph! by Rhett Dodson


Pastor Dodson has written another incredibly helpful resource for christians today. All of Dodson’s works are biblically saturated, and easily accessible.

This short book on the doctrine of the resurrection, is an exposition of 1 Corinthians 15. Broken into 6 small, but meaty chapters, the book seeks to both explain, and apply the truths contained in Paul’s pivotal chapter to the Corinthian church. Dodson both is helpful in his careful explanation and tracing of Paul’s logic, and also incredibly pastoral as he applies that truth to the average christian life.

It is quite shocking, actually, to see so few, excellent books out there on the resurrection. This will be my go to book for my congregants, as it is short enough that anyone can read engage with it, but biblically and theologically rich so as to serve all readers immensely well.

I cannot recommend this highly enough. Buy it, read it, and share it with a brother or sister you know.